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PUBG Mobile Thumb control Vs Claw control | Which is best for game ? | My opinions 2019

PUBG Mobile Thumb control Vs Claw control | Which is best for game ? | My opinions 2019


Hey there I am back with another interesting article. So, today we talk about in PUBG Mobile Thumb control or claw control which is the best control to play game.
So, we see compare this on all type game perspectives like which control is more dynamic, more comfortable, more easy, more like a pro.
So, let's get started.

Thumb control :

So first we gonna talk about normal deafult thumb controller which is used on default control icons get by Pubg mobile. Thumb control is mostly use by new players who playing PUBG for first time or playing PUBG Mobile for just a fun they just want to play for fun. Or there are like players who playing through thumbs only but they are pro.
But honestly when we having fight between pro thumb player vs pro claw control player then it's a obvious that claw control player is having more chances to win cause his controls have ability to do lots of things at the same time like he jump and shoot, peak and shoot, scope and shoot at the same time.
But when we see thumb player then things gonna be slower cause two thumbs not have that potential to move, jump and shoot at the same time.

Pros of thumb control :
  1. Easy to use or control : Thumb controls are very easy controls ever which are easy to use cause we have an habit to play all games which are FPP games or RPG we always use thumbs except of claw.
  2. Comfortable : Thumb controls are very comfortable to play cause it was a habit to play all games with two thumbs only. We don't have any pain to play with thumbs for 3-4hrs continuously.
  3. Easy to learn to play with thumbs : If you want to teach someone to play with thumbs it will be an easy job cause playing with thumbs is not complex it is very easy to learn and play.
  4. Friendly control : Thumbs control are mostly familiar controls with anyone cause we get any Android game there are Thumbs control only.
Cons of thumbs control :
  1. Not very dynamic : If we consider thumbs control to play PUBG then it will be slower to play cause there are lots of actions to do at a time if it will be a do or die situation also for all tasks like rushing, sniping you need claw control to become more dynamic like Pro players like Mortal.
  2. Needs efforts to compete : If you use thumbs control in battle royal games like PUBG Mobile then you need lots of efforts to survive and to compete with other players.
  3. Not useful if you fight to win : If you playe games to win or for competition or to complete or not for fun only then you see that thumbs control is not so useful to win.
  4. Friendly but enemy in game : Thumb controls are acts like enemy in game sometimes when you need to more as well as you need to shoot , scope also hold recoil of gun and do much more things at a time but your thumbs aren't have that potential to do so.

Claw Control :


Now talk about claw control. So, first of all claw control is hard but if you have that ability to learn then you will definitely learn it and get some amazing chiken dinners. Claw control having some types like 3-finger claw, 4 finger, 5 finger, also 9 finger claw controls we will talk about it in future article. In claw control your buttons icon size and position is depends on your screen and your claw control type. Now 4-finger claw control is in trading and used by lots of pro players like Mortal. Increas
So, basically in claw control you use 3 or more fingers as your claw type and perform two or more actions at a time like jump and shoot as well as peak at a same time, jump and shoot and scope at a time, move and shoot and scope at same time like this.
Claw control gives you very satisfying gameplay but when you can handle claw control.


Pros of claw control :
  1. Gives more dynamic gameplay : claw control gives you more dynamic gameplay just cause you play with more fingers and performs lots of tasks at a time.
  2. Increase winning percentage : Actually it increase your winning percentages cause you have something more that of thumb control player.
  3. Makes tasks easy : Claw controls are not easy to adapt like thumbs one but they makes your game easy to play like a boss.
Cons of claw control :
  1. Complex to learn : Claw controls are difficult to learn you need lots of practice to learn it and play it practically in game.
  2. Less comfortable : Claw controls are less comfortable to play for more time cause we use 4 fingers and remaining fingers are use to hold phone then this position of holding phone creates pain in hands.
  3. Difficult to learn and execute in game : Claw controls are difficult to learn and execute in real game so you need to practice a lot to achieve mastery in claw control.

CONCLUSION : So at the end I think who play PUBG Mobile for fun and pass time they are very good at thumb controls cause they matters comfortness, fun to play game and don't matter any type of win lose condition.
Whereas claw control are for players who want to win or who want something more to play games.
Also it's is true that game is depends on our skills but claw control is best at all.
Also it is not important that you have claw control then you are a pro player.

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  1. And if you want to hack this PUBG game as your own style, then you should use game hacker tool on your Android device...


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