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Verification of Google Adsense indentity and address | What is this ? | How to do it ? 2019

Verification of Google Adsense indentity and address | What is this ? | How to do it ? 2019


Hello friends,
I just explore my Google Adsense account then I've see that there was a action notification, when I click on this notification then I've see that it for verification of my Google Adsense account identity and also for my address.
So, in this article I tell you about What is this notification stands for and How can you solve it ?
So, let's get started.


As you can see in above image there was a notification on my Google Adsense account page which in which it mentioned to verify my address and identity.

What is this notification ?

It is the most awaited question come in mind after that notification that what is this ? 
So, I tell you that is the verification process of Google Adsense in which it needs your any national identity card's image to verify your identity.
National identity card including :
  1. Voting card.
  2. Aadhar card.
  3. Driving license.
  4. Passport.
  5. Green Card.
Or any card you have except Graphics Card.
And that image be clear and captured without flash. Also your name on identity card and in the form of Google Adsense account will be same.
And in the verification of address, Google Adsense team will send you a speed post on your Address you provided to confirm your address.


How to solve this ?

So, now second most awaited question is how to solve this ?
So, first to verify identity you need to provide a neat clean, clear, without flash captured any national identity card image to Google Adsense and also name in identity card and in form of Google Adsense will be same.
And address verification is very easy process come after verification of identity card. In address verification process Google Adsense team send you a  speed post on your provided address.
That speed post contains a pin which you need to submit on your Google Adsense account page and when you submit this pin, your address got verified.

When you do this all verification process then congratulations your if gonna be verified now and now you can easily earn some sweet money through your YouTube account or your blogger account.

Share this video to all your blogger or YouTuber friends to know them this verification process.

Thanks for visiting AndroMacMaster.

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